However, Resurgence spends too much time in the moments between its big set pieces, developing the complicated interpersonal dynamics among the Resolute crew, especially right out the gate. With its greater emphasis on character development and more cerebral storytelling, a game like Resurgence that emphasizes diplomatic solutions and the pressures of command over standard action is perfect for the genre. The voice cast does an admirable job in their respective roles, including the reasonable enough sound-alike for Leonard Nimoy's digitally recreated Spock, while the sound effects are spot-on Star Trek. Where the game's visuals really excel are in the sweeping cosmic vistas explored by the Resolute that Star Trek is known for, from dreamy nebulas to raging ion storms on the fringes of Federation space. Star Trek: Resurgence's technical presentation is on par with most Telltale titles, which is to say about a generation or two behind in terms of character design and animation. Less welcome is the game's tendency to employ quick-time events, which can throw off the pacing and take players out of the moment. There is a light combat mechanic with phasers and a mystery component as players scan environments with their tricorder, both of which are welcome gameplay additions. Virtually every conversation contains these dialog points while characters usually walk - not run - at a noticeably slower clip. While this mechanic is at its most engaging when characters have to make literal life-or-death decisions impacting the entire crew, these moments come in between more tedious sequences in the game. This affects how much the NPCs trust the player characters, which comes through as the Resolute faces a multitude of crises and critical decisions, the first of which surfaces before the starship even leaves the dock. Much of how the story unfolds is shaped by individual choices, primarily through dialog options made over the course of the game.

With the development team and publisher made by plenty of former Telltale personnel, the same gameplay sensibilities are present in Resurgence right from the start.